
Nestled in the heart of the Orkney archipelago, the Standing Stones of Stenness stand as a testament to the island’s rich Neolithic history. These towering monoliths, dating back over 5,000 years, form one of the oldest and most impressive stone circles in Britain. Despite their...

Discover Orkney's Mystical Stone Circle Set within the rugged landscape of Orkney, the Ring of Brodgar is one of Scotland’s most intriguing and iconic ancient monuments. With its towering stones standing in a perfect circle, the Ring of Brodgar draws visitors from around the world, beckoning...

Scotland’s northern reaches are famed for their ancient mysteries, and Maeshowe is one of its most captivating enigmas. A prehistoric monument that predates the Egyptian pyramids by several hundred years, Maeshowe stands proudly as one of the best-preserved Neolithic tombs. Built from massive sandstone slabs,...